Miss Bug

Former Mercenary | Bartender | Carpenter | Still a Mother

"Cute""Adorable""Harmless"None of these words apply to Miss Bug and she's entirely unapologetic about that fact.In her youth, she dealt with enough underestimation to know that the "tall folk" rarely bother to take a lalafell seriously. She does, however, take herself seriously enough for them.And if they decide to push the envelope a little too far, well...She's raised two children to adulthood and buried three husbands. She's not above using an axe on ankles to bring someone down to her level.As she's said before leveling a Xaela to the floor: "Fuck around and find out."

FFXIV RP Character - Mateus Data Center


She's done a lot of it.Never one to shirk a task when it came her way, Bug started early in life with carpentry--a skill she passed on to her son, Marius. Apprenticed to her father's best friend, she learned quickly but was particularly restless, being stuck in Ul'dah and doing little else.From a hatchet to an axe, the transition from carpenter to mercenary wasn't particularly hard. Always willing to give 110% meant Bug worked hard, learned fast and didn't settle for less than success.Her first marriage coincided with accepting a position with the Central Freaks, a mercenary group that took particularly... unique jobs. And losing her husband Mag to one of those jobs gave Bug a taste for dumb, unimaginative men and slightly safer choices in life.Not, of course, that she gave up the axe. She elected to fill in time between carefully selected mercenary jobs with bartending, using her axe to stop arguments she was too physically small to handle any other way.Marrying her second husband, Bear, involved dealing with his family and her own realization that choosing dumb, unimaginative men was perhaps not the wisest of choices. As Bear died walking back into a mine, believing the explosive charge set to detonate wouldn't go off, she swore off husbands and went back to pulling pints and wielding her axe.Which, of course, meant she married a third time. Jimmy struck what she considered to be a nice balance between her former husbands and they comfortably raised two children to adulthood. Coriline and Marius are the pride of her life--one an excellent carpenter, the other an accomplished florist.She was sorry to see Jimmy die when he drunkenly fell into one of Ul'dah's many fountains, but her children are thriving and that's all she cares about now.


Dunesfolk54 YearsViolet EyesGreying black hair (occasionally her daughter dyes the grey into pink)Competent with a battle axeDrinks excessivelySmokes occasionallyCurses oftenCheats at cardsSplits her time between her daughter's floral shop in Gridania and her son's carpentry shop in Ul'dah


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"Air a little thin all the way up there, fella? Seem to be grasping for the easiest cracks you can find other than the one in your own ass.""You smell like sluts.""Fuck around and find out, idiot."